Learning Lab

Part 3 SEO and Paid Ads: 2022 Digital Marketing Series for Entrepreneurs & Small Businesses


SEO and Paid Ads is the third session of Active Web Group’s four-part digital marketing series for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners. To view additional series sessions on Branding Your Business, Website Considerations, and Digital Marketing Analytics, check out our YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/NYSBDCyoutube In this webinar recording, Active Web Group’s Senior Digital Strategist & Marketing Manager Frank Corrao covers how Google determines which sites to rank at the top of searches through the exploration of:

  • Important Metrics
  • Direct, organic, paid, social referral, and email channels
  • KPI: Key Performance Indicators
  • Data and A/B testing
  • Basic structure of SEO: Search Engine Optimization
  • Google Analytics
  • Factors that go into Google’s ranking formula, including content, keywords, domain authority, and site speed
  • Algorithm updates
  • Emerging search technology
  • Remarketing advertising
  • A 360 approach to the pay per click (PPC) process Series


Frank Corrao, Active Web Group’s Senior Digital Strategist & Marketing Manager



The Mid-Hudson SBDC is part of the New York Small Business Development Center (SBDC) network of 20 campus-based centers and outreach offices located across New York State.

Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the US Small Business Administration. Training collaboration does not constitute an expressed or implied endorsement by the NYSBDC and SBA of the presenter(s), their organization(s), and/or their products and services.

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