Research + Data

Data Hub

Network connections. World global link. Generate Ai

Real-Time Dashboard

Interested in New York SBDC Performance? We abide by the rigid standards set up by the U.S. Small Business Administration and the GAO (Government Accountability Office). We not only are required to produce regular reports illustrating the performance of our centers, we also strive to provide real-time dashboards that allow you to see SBDC performance across our different regions and centers in real-time.

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Network connections. World global link. Generate Ai
Carefree young painter framing her face with her hands. Happy female artist winking at the camera while standing in her art studio. Creative young woman making a frame with her colour painted hands.; Shutterstock ID 2104397717; purchase_order: purchase_order; job: job; client: client; other: other

NYSBDC Data Requests

Policymakers, media and economic development entities regularly request the New York SBDCs comprehensive small business data to inform decisions and identify trends. As one of the most expansive and in-depth business data sets in New York State, our data allows partners to visualize trends and better anticipate the future.

[button target=”_blank” hover_type=”default” text_align=”center” text=”REQUEST DATA” link=”mailto:”]
Carefree young painter framing her face with her hands. Happy female artist winking at the camera while standing in her art studio. Creative young woman making a frame with her colour painted hands.; Shutterstock ID 2104397717; purchase_order: purchase_order; job: job; client: client; other: other
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NYS Regional Business Data

To truly understand New York’s economy, we need data that captures trends across all ten regions. The New York SBDC multi-decade dataset provides crucial insights into the evolving business landscape statewide. Follow along as we begin to transform our data into actionable intelligence, spotlighting emerging trends and demographics within New York’s small business and economic development sectors.

[button target=”_blank” hover_type=”default” text_align=”center” text=”COMING SOON! – REGIONAL BUSINESS DATA” link=”mailto:”]
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Ready to start? Connect
With your local center.

Our statewide network of 20 regional development centers and over 70 satellite locations is ready to help you take the next step. Find your center & start your SBDC journey.

[button target=”_self” hover_type=”default” text=”Find my Center” background_color=”#ffffff” border_color=”#91ccce” hover_background_color=”#07283a” hover_border_color=”#07283a” hover_color=”#ffffff” link=”/regional-centers/” margin=”0px 0px 0px 30px”]
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