Learning Lab

Trade Finance

International Trade • Specialty Programs

This webinar provides an overview of essential international trade finance concepts and short, medium, and long-term financing options for exporting activities.

Topics include:

  • Risk mitigation (Foreign Exchange risk, Risk of Non-Performance, Credit Risk, Transfer Risk, Country and Political risk, Risk of Fraud and Transportation Risk).
  • Methods of Payments & risk spectrum and Credit.
  • Export Finance options and Credit Insurance including
  • Short-Term Financing: EXIM Export Credit insurance solutions, Letter of credit or documentary collection solutions
  • Medium and Long Term Financing: SBA & EXIM – Loans or Guarantees

Intro to Available Export Assistance Presenters

Dr. Mercedes Sanchez-Moore, Director of International Trade, NY SBDC

Kathryn Bamberger, International Trade Manager, Global NY


Carmela Mammas, Director of US Commercial Service New York, US Department of Commerce


Main Speakers

Andrea Ratay, CICP, Head of Global Trade Finance, TD Bank N. A., Chair of New York District Export Council


Abby Martinez, Office of International Trade, U.S. Small Business Administration


Richard Foy, Regional Director, Eastern Region, Export-Import Bank of the United States


Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the US Small Business Administration. Training collaboration does not constitute an expressed or implied endorsement by the NYSBDC and SBA of the presenter(s), their organization(s), and/or their products and services.

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