Specialty Programs

Childcare Provider Program

Family Child Care Training Program - Rebecca Peck-3 (3) (1)

“We may not be able to prepare the future for our children, but we can at least prepare our children for the future.”

Interested in starting a Childcare Facility or looking for support for an existing facility?

The New York SBDCs are dedicated to supporting those in the childcare industry by creating specialized partnerships with our regional centers’ host campuses, local agencies, and economic development organizations like IDAs (Industrial Development Agencies).

Our goal is to address regional childcare shortages and equip aspiring and current childcare providers with the skills and resources they need to succeed. Key services offered include: 

  • Connections to licensing and training programs 
  • New York State Office of Children and Family Services guidance 
  • Entrepreneurship readiness and mentorship 
  • Advice specific to accounting, insurance, and other business decisions 
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Family Child Care Training Program - Rebecca Peck-3 (3) (1)

Resources for Childcare Providers

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Childcare Providers
Face Huge Hurdles.

New York has over 21,000 licensed daycare facilities. Childcare providers face major issues: 53% report staffing shortages, and 48% have raised tuition due to increased operational costs.

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